Sheehan, Heather, SYLTA, the Whaling Widow Who Wails, Verlag Kettler, 2024, Hardcover, 136 pages, 21 x 27 cm, a visual-verbal narrative including 40 photographs and a short story by the artist / author in English and German, ISBN 978-3-98741-100-7.
One Woman, One Stone, Heather Sheehan, Galerija-Galleria Rigo, Muzej-Museo Lapidarium, Novigrad-Cittanova, HR, 2023, A sequence of 11 black and white self-portraits combined with a poem in English and Croatian, ISBN 978-953-7608-47-7.
Sharpless, Margaret, The Ledger of, Heather Sheehan, MAB Books, Milton, PA, 2021, Hardbound, text in English, 196 pages, 77 duotone images, 10 x 8 inches, ISBN 978-1-733184-045.
Heather Sheehan Photographic Works 2012-2015, monograph with essays in English and German by Anne-Marie Bonnet, Klaus Honnef, Hrg: Kunstverein Augsburg e. V., 2021, ISBN 978-3-000-67231-6.
Rheinland Studio Conversations: Fünfzehn Frauen Sprechen Über Kunst, Stephanie Buhmann, The Green Box Kunst Editionen, Berlin, 2021, p. 50-64, 223, 230, text in German, ISBN 978-3-96216-012-8. Interview in English.
Strange Attractors: Lives Changed By Chance, edited by Edie Meidav and Emmalie Dropkin, University of Massachusetts Press, 2019, The Life of Stuff, essay and photography by Heather Sheehan, p.p. 176 - 183.
Was ist zeitgenössische Kunst oder Wozu Kunstgeschichte?, Anne-Marie Bonnet, Opaion Band 2, Schriften aus dem Kunsthistorischen Institut Bonn, Deutscher Kunstverlag GmbH Berlin München, 2017, Frontispiz: Heather Sheehan (w)hole wall, ISBN 978-3-422-07380-7.
KUNSTWERK LEBEN, Herausgegeben von Rolf Jessewitsch und Jürgen Kaumkötter, Zentrum für Verfolgte Künste, Solingen 2017, pp. 100 - 103.
Medycyna W Sztuce / Medicine In Art, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow, text in Polish and English. Photos. 2016, pp. 236-237, ISBN 78-83-62435-47-0.
Heather Sheehan: Visitors and other beings, Dr. Gundula Caspary, PhD. and Dr. Martin Geising, PhD., with text in English and German, Photos. Stadtmuseum Siegburg and Stadtmuseum Beckum, 2011.
Körper Rekonstruktion - Reflexionen - Transformation, Prof. Dr. Doris Schuhmacher - Chilla, Weinheim Verlag, Basel, 2008.
Diagnose Kunst - Die Medizin im Spiegel der zeitgenösischen Kunst / Diagnosis Art - Contemporary Art Reflecting Medicine, Kunstmuseum Ahlen, Museum im Kulturspeicher Würzburg, English and German text from Suzanne Witzgall, Wienand Verlag & Medien GmbH, 2006 , pp. 123, 134,135, 203, ISBN: 3-879099022, ISBN: 13-9783879099023.
Biomediale. Contemporary Society and Genomic Culture, Edited by Dmitry Bulatov. The National Centre for Contemporary Art (Kaliningrad branch, Russia), The National Publishing House "Yantarny Skaz": Kaliningrad, 2004, ISBN: 5-740608537.
The Molecular Gaze, Art in the Genetic Age, Suzanne Anker and Dorothy Nelkin, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 2004, pp. 145 - 146, 201. ISBN: 0-879696974.
Heather Sheehan - Soulfood, Kunstraum Fuhrwerkswaage, Köln, 2003, with German text from Manfred Schneckenburger, Photos. Verlag: Die neue Sachlichkeit, ISBN: 10-3930636514, ISBN: 13-9783930636518.
Die Ersten Acht, Emmanuel Walderdorff, Pavillon Schloss Molsberg, 2002, with German text from Johannes Heinen, pp. 36 - 39, ISBN: 3-000094393.
Unter der Haut: Transformationen des Biologischen in der Zeitgenössischen Kunst / Under the Skin: Biological Transformations in Contemporary Art, Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Zentrum Internationaler Skulptur, Cornelia Brüninghausen-Knubel, Söke Dinkla und Renate Heidt Heller texts in English and German, Hatje Cantz Verlag 2001, pp. 54 - 59, ISBN 10: 3775790713 ISBN 13: 9783775790710.
Mutter Kind Vater, Johannes Bilstein, Eckart Liebau, Matthias Winzen, Oktagon Verlag 2000, with German text from Ursula Truebenbach, pp.199 - 200, ISBN: 3-896110810.
Macht und Fürsorge: Das Bild der Mutter in zeitgenössischer Kunst und Wissenschaft, Johannes Bilstein, Eckart Liebau, Matthias Winzen, Oktagon Verlag 1999, with German text from Ursula Truebenbach, pp. 43 - 44, ISBN: 3-896110780.
Chronik 1997, Beatrix Gehlhoff, Chronik Verlag Bertelsmann GmbH 1998, pp. 2002, Photos. ISBN: 3-577140976.
Art Bridge: Cologne - New York - Cologne, Peter Krueger, Edition Cologne Verlag, Bernhard F. Löwenberg 1998, p.157, ISBN: 3-931246035.
Made for Arolsen 1997, Installation, Heather Sheehan, Dr. Andrea El-Danasouri and Dr. Birgit Kümmel, Museum Bad Arolsen, 1997, with text in English and German. Photos. ISBN: 3-93093003X.
Was dem Altfriesischen Haus in den Knochen steckt / Anchored to the Bones of an Old Frisian House: preview of upcoming exhibition and book project: SYLTA, by Wiebke Stitz for Die Inseln / The Islands Magazine. Original article in German and English translation.
Lady Justice in a Closet, Exhibition of Heather Sheehan at Galerie Neuerburg, Ralf Rohrmoser-Von Glasow review of exhibition A Weighing, 2019, Text in German, Photos.
Sofia Grillo reviews in Feuilleton title page, General-Anzeiger Bonn Heather Sheehan's performance and exhibition at the Paul-Clemen-Museum, Bonn University, Bonn, Germany, Friday October 27, 2017. Text in German. Photo.
Michael Schreiner, Performance: Abtauchen im Zeichenfluss, in depth review of Heather Sheehan's performance, installation and photography exhibition, 'alighting', at the Kunstverein Augsburg, Germany, 2015. Text in german. Photos.
Anke Humpeneder-Graf, art historian, reviews Heather Sheehan's
'Barking the Willow', performance, installation and photography in
the Neue Galerie Landshut, Bavaria, Germany 2015.
Text in German. Photo.
Jürgen Röhrig reviews Heather Sheehan's solo exhibition, at the City Museum of Siegburg, Germany. 2011. Text in German.
Marion Gay reviews the 7 room exhibition in the City Museum of Beckum, Germany, 2011. Text in German. Photo.
Claudia Posca reviews Unter der Haut in Kunstforum International, bd.155 Juni - Juli 2001, Kunstforum International Verlag, pp. 396. Text in German, Photo.